Silvanus the Neglected god

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism and Hotel management, Guidance Department, Helwan University


God Silvanus was considered one of the ancient Roman gods. The word Silvanus in Latin language means forest, or woods. Silvanus is the deity of the countryside. He had some features of Faunus, the god of animals and in the same time he was frequently depicted as a countryman. At first, Silvanus was the ghost of the untouched forest that bordered the city, possessing a hint of the unknown's threat. Moreover; Silvanus was described by some scholars as wild and unpredictable god, much common as the deities of the nature. His main concern was directed to the nature, and specifically cared with wild nature included all its raw beauty and aggressive brutality. According to ancient believes and the roots of this deity, must be a Roman god , The deity was revered in Silvia as early as Cato's time, and for centuries afterward, woodlands were connected to him . Powers. His avatar was capable of controlling any number of animals and forest creatures with the sound of his voice. He could also make plants grow or shrink at any rate he willed. Both of his avatar forms could cast spells from any sphere or school of magic.


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