Publication Ethics

Ethical guidelines for authors:

  • JAAUTH supports the academic community by disseminating scientific research in this journal, which is responsible for developing, upholding, choosing, and accepting submitted articles.
  • Ethical guidelines primarily stem from the journal’s perception of the requirements for the quality of academic work and how it should be presented.
  • JAAUTH presents a set of ethical guidelines for those involved in scientific research publications, especially editors, authors, and manuscript reviewers.
  • The following guidelines must be adhered to approve the scientific research.


Manuscript authorship:

  • Authorship reflects the contribution an individual has made to the manuscript and provides a means of crediting and acknowledging the work of researchers. Each author must provide their final consent before the manuscript may be published. This includes ensuring that concerns about the accuracy or integrity of any part of the manuscript are appropriately investigated and resolved. The order of authorship should reflect the relative contributions of each author.
  • The first author usually contributes the most to the work. While all those who have made significant contributions as co-authors and others who participated in certain substantive aspects should be listed as contributors, the principal author(s) should obtain agreement from all participating authors to communicate and act on their behalf. It is also important to update them on the status of the manuscript throughout the submission, review, and publication stages.
  • Moreover, JAAUTH invites the author(s) to acknowledge anyone who provided proofreading, editing, or writing assistance in the Acknowledgments section of their manuscript. This ensures accuracy and integrity by appropriately attributing sources and disclosing any conflicts of interest.
  • The author(s) must abide by specific ethical commitments relating to the accuracy, originality, or integrity of any part of the work. Suppose these ethical commitments are violated during or after writing, drafting, and revising. In that case, the author(s) must adequately investigate, address, and resolve these issues before publication.
  • The author(s) has the right to publish copy, communicate, or use an article on academic websites and other media, or any of its contents, provided that this is not a commercial activity because JAAUTH maintains the exclusive commercial rights.


Reporting standards:

The author(s) must accurately report their original manuscript, dispassionately analyze its importance, and present a detailed synopsis, including information details, agreements, and references, when requested to protect their lawful interests.



Data access and retention:

Authors are asked to provide raw data for editorial review. The author(s) should prepare those raw data accessible to the public in accordance with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases. In any case, this raw data should be available for a reasonable time after publication.



Acknowledging sources must be correctly given. The author(s) should cite publications that significantly impacted their manuscript. When borrowing facts or ideas from unrelated sources, it is imperative to credit the original author(s) using footnotes or a bibliography. Information obtained during confidential services, such as reviewing grant applications or manuscripts, must be used with the written permission of the author(s) involved in these services. This aids in preventing plagiarism and promotes integrity and accountability throughout the study process.


Originality and plagiarism:

  • It is the author(s) responsibility to attest to the originality of their writing. If the author(s) have copied short phrases from others, they must be either cited or quoted.
  • Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work or ideas without providing proper credit or acknowledgment. This includes copying and pasting text, work that has been paraphrased without proper attribution, and using someone else’s ideas without permission.
  • It is important to consider that plagiarism occurs with all types of sources, including text taken from manuscripts, illustrations, images, quotations, recordings, material downloaded from websites or other forms of media, and published and unpublished material, including lectures, presentations, and MA and PhD dissertations.
  • In our publication, the editing team examines all entries using various technical tools. Plagiarism cannot be allowed under any circumstances. Submissions that are believed to contain plagiarism, in whole or in part will be immediately rejected and the author will not be permitted to apply to JAAUTH in the future.
  • Suppose plagiarism is discovered after a submission has been published. In that case, we will consult our editors to determine the best course of action, including a revision, author(s) restriction, or full retraction.
  • The author(s) needs approval from the appropriate governmental entity to publish previously unpublished antiquities. We also anticipate that users, critics, and editors will point out any inconsistencies in the submitted work that may raise questions about plagiarism.
  • Plagiarism is a severe offense in academic and professional settings and can result in consequences such as loss of credibility, legal action, and academic sanctions.



Multiple, redundant, or concurrent publications:

  • Submitting or publishing the same manuscript or a significant part of it in more than one journal, conference, or other publishing venue is generally considered unethical and discouraged. This can happen in the same language or in more than one language, especially Arabic and English.
  • Multiple or redundant releases can lead to various problems, including wasted resources, confusion, and duplication of effort. This behavior can also misrepresent the scientific record by exaggerating the importance of manuscript results.
  • JAAUTH has a strict policy against multiple or redundant publications and requires the author(s) to disclose any previous or related publication of their work. In cases where multiple publications are deemed necessary for academic discourse, the author(s) should obtain permission from all involved parties and clearly indicate in all publications that the work has been previously published or is under review elsewhere.
  • Author(s) must confirm that their works are not already with another publisher or approved for publication in another journal, book, or a different venue, as we anticipate our readers, reviewers, and editors to flag any allegations of reused or duplicate publication.


Data and supporting evidence


JAAUTH believes that data transparency is an essential aspect to ensure the integrity and credibility of scientific findings. Transparency involves several vital principles, including:

  • Data should be available to other researchers to verify the findings and build upon the manuscript results.
  • Methods used in the research should be clearly described and documented so that other researchers can replicate the study.
  • Negative results of the research should be published along with positive results to prevent publication bias.


Image manipulation, falsification, and fabrication

  • When conveying important information with images, the author(s) must be aware of the techniques used and utilize them responsibly. This should always be explained.
  • JAAUTH strongly urges the author(s) to present images as they appear in the original sources. Changes to original images can easily lead to falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of intended results; it is morally repugnant.


Conflicts of interest

The author(s) are entitled to declare any possible conflicts of interest that affect the research objectives. Conflicts of interest could be financial, professional, or personal and may have an undue influence and unfair impact on how the manuscript is presented, examined, or published.


Defamation and freedom of expression:

  • Defamation and freedom of expression are two significant concepts that often conflict. Defamation refers to the communication of falsehoods that harm an individual’s or organization’s reputation.
  • JAAUTH believes in the right to express opinions and ideas without interference, constraint, or concern.
  • Crucial rights, including the right to privacy, a decent reputation, and emotional distress, must be considered. Therefore, it is imperative to balance freedom of expression and reputational protection.
  • In cases of conflict between freedom of expression and reputation protection, the JAAUTH editors’ team will carefully consider all the relevant factors. They will make a wise decision that balances competing interests.


Research fraud and misconduct:

  • Research fraud and misconduct refer to practices that deviate from accepted scientific standards and ethical principles. This might involve fabricating data and outcomes to match the desired results. JAAUTH has clear policies and procedures for reporting and investigating research fraud or misconduct allegations. The author(s) must adhere to the highest ethical and scientific standards, including proper data management and transparency.
  • The author(s) must promptly inform the journal editor when they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published manuscript. Retractions or corrections to the manuscript must be done in cooperation with the editor. When the editor learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error, the author(s) is responsible for retracting, rewriting, or proving the work’s accuracy.


Research review and approval processes:

  • JAAUTH conducts double-blind reviews, which are thoroughly overseen and evaluated by the editorial board, which is responsible for the initial and preliminary assessments before complimenting the review process.
  • Initial evaluation includes quality and ethical considerations such as plagiarism. In contrast, technical evaluation includes ensuring the existence of all the manuscript sections, such as the abstract, keywords, and references, according to the journal guidelines described in the author’s manual.
  • The funding announcement, ethical statement, and permissions are all included in the technical evaluation.
  • After passing a preliminary review, the manuscript will be forwarded to blind review in accordance with a list of reviewers authorized by the editorial board from various world countries, with the reviewer’s name, work destination, exact specialization, and means of communication.
  • The editor-in-chief selects two reviewers based on the recommendations of the editorial board.


Guidelines for reviewers:

  • JAAUTH allows the author(s) to submit their manuscripts regardless of their place of origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or political opinions and promotes equal publication possibilities.
  • The reviewer must verify the manuscript’s authenticity and effectiveness and follow JAAUTH guidelines before publication.
  • The reviewer must take into account the following:
  • Carefully read the manuscript and ensure an understanding of the research question, methodology, and results.
  • Ensure the manuscript adheres to JAAUTH’s guidelines, such as formatting, referencing, and citation style.
  • Evaluate the manuscript objectively without any personal prejudice and focus on the research’s relevance and originality.
  • Provide constructive suggestions and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript to help the author(s) make improvements.
  • Identify relevant published works that the author(s) do not cite.
  • Reviewers can recommend additional reviewers with subject expertise relevant to the manuscript.
  • Maintain confidential information regarding the manuscript and its contents and refrain from disclosing any of it except as authorized by the editorial board.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest to the editorial board, such as a personal or professional relationship with the author(s).
  • In most cases, reviewers are given two weeks to submit their reviews. The reviewers receive a reminder email in the middle of the period, and the editorial board should be notified if an extension is necessary.
  • The reviewer must only go through one manuscript in one edition.
  • Reviewing reports should be conducted via the online reviewing system provided by JAAUTH, or reviewers may email their reports directly to the editor at
  • The reviewing report includes a questionnaire that asks about the originality of the research and an evaluation of the research objectives, results, figures, and references.
  • If one of the reviewers rejects the manuscript, a third reviewer is requested. Once the review is finished, the editorial board decides whether to publish or reject the manuscript. The author(s) will receive the review’s results and have two weeks from the delivery date to make any required alterations.
  • Once all required modifications have been completed, the manuscript is returned to reviewers, who then offer their final judgment. The process may take one to two months to reach its conclusion.
  • The whole search and review process is done on the journal’s website. Paper correspondence for either articles or reviews is not allowed.
  • If the reviewer’s ruling is not acceptable to the author(s), he/she submits an accurate academic report to the editorial board for review.


Guidelines for editors:

  • Editing is essential to the publication process, ensuring the manuscripts are clear, concise, and accurate. There are some key points JAAUTH considers for editor duties:
  • Verify the accuracy of the data, statistics, and references cited in the manuscript. Ensure that the methodology used in the study is appropriate and that the results presented are consistent with the methodology.
  • Ensure the manuscript is formatted correctly.
  • Ensure the manuscript follows the proper JAAUTH style guidelines, including headings, subheadings, citations, and references. Furthermore, check for grammar and punctuation mistakes.
  • Maintain the author’s style and tone while providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.


Cooperation between editorial board and editor-in-chief:

  • With the assistant editors, the editor-in-chief creates JAAUTH’s editorial board. The editor-in-chief’s duties include:
  • Oversees the publication’s editorial direction and ensures all content aligns with the JAAUTH’s overall vision.
  • Managing the editorial team of editors, writers, and other staff members who work on the publication, ensuring they meet deadlines and produce high-quality content.
  • The editor-in-chief is responsible for overseeing publication ethics, which is a significant part of the editing and peer-review processes.
  • Making final decisions on what content makes it into the publication and what does not.
  • Dealing with the complaint, take all allegations of misconduct seriously, and have the responsibility to look into the complaint’s specific points.
  • Managing the publication’s budget to ensure it stays within budget and meets revenue targets.
  • Building strong relationships with contributors and other stakeholders to ensure the publication can access the best content.
  • Staying informed about the latest tendencies and best practices in the publishing industry and incorporating these into the used publication’s strategy.
  • Traveling to represent the journal at events, interviews, and in other contexts.


Cooperation between editorial board and editors:

  • The JAAUTH editors are responsible for providing high-quality content to its readers. Their responsibilities include:
  • As part of the editorial process, the editorial board determines the outlined topics the publication process will cover.
  • The editorial board identifies potential contributors and solicits their manuscripts for publication.
  • Review submissions and select manuscripts that meet the publication’s quality standards and relevance, ensuring content is delivered on time.
  • Ensure that all manuscripts meet accuracy, clarity, and style publication standards. Ensure that the content is appropriate for the intended audience.
  • Ensuring that all content is free of bias misconducts by the author(s) or anyone involved in the peer-review process.


Cooperation between editorial board and assistant editors:

  • Assistant editors work under the supervision of the editor-in-chief; their duties are multifaceted and require strong communication, organizational, and editing skills.
  • The assistant editor’s responsibilities include:
  • Editing and proofreading content before publication, then uploading, publishing, and tagging content.
  • Coordinate with authors and editors, ensure deadlines are met, and track manuscript progress.
  • Manage social media accounts through creating and curating content on accounts and monitoring others’ engagement.


Record integrity:

  • Various procedures are involved in maintaining the integrity of records, including:
  • JAAUTH uses appropriate validation criteria and controls to provide correct data. According to the editorial team, only correct and pertinent information should be entered into the online system.
  • JAAUTH always keeps the academic records the same without modifying or manipulating them, even for promotional reasons.
  • JAAUTH protects information from unauthorized access, loss, or damage. Access to the record was restricted, and backup methods were well managed by keeping and backing up on computers and digital media (e.g., diskettes, backup servers, and Zip discs), provided that the editorial team was the only one with easy access to these devices.
  • The published information provided by JAAUTH describes each publication’s details thoroughly. It is retained as much as possible unless it is necessary to change the records in one way or another.
  • Record files are securely destroyed after being stored for the required period of time, as determined by legal and regulatory requirements.
  • The JAAUTH editorial staff is accountable for replying to all authors in various submission areas with the utmost respect and attention regarding ethical concerns, policies about their field of study, and required guidelines.
  • If the author(s) have any concerns regarding these publication ethics, principles, or procedures, please do not hesitate to email the editor-in-chief at