What appeared between the Wide Step of the Tomb Owner (Ancient Egyptian Marsh Scenes)

Document Type : Original Article


Tourist guidance department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt.


The ancient Egyptian artist depicted the tomb owner in the daily life scenes in its various contexts, with multiple leg positions. Among these positions is the wide step position, where the artist took advantage of the empty space between the legs of the tomb owner by depicting certain minor figures related to the context of the main scene. The subject of the research focuses on all what was represented from minor figures in the space between the wide step of the tomb owner. The research aims to display and discuss the ancient Egyptian themes of figures between the wide step of the tomb owner, indicate the main context of the theme and the nature of the depicted figures if it is a human being, an object, or even an inscription. The research employs the descriptive and analytical methodology for the discussed models of the theme to achieve the aimed results of the study. One of the main results is that minor figures appeared between the wide step of the tomb owner in the main three contexts of marsh scenes; spearing fish, fowling birds, and hunting hippopotami. These minor figures are for; human (wife, daughter, son, or attendant), objects, and inscriptions.
