The Effect of Organizational Culture on Individual Outcomes in the Hotels Industry: An application to 5 & 3 star hotels in Cairo

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Hotel Studies - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Sadat City University


Organizational culture is significant and important because it helps hotels predict the behavioral intentions of their employees, and consequently assure their job satisfaction. Also understanding hotel culture facilitates the person and the organization fit which allows more consistency between employees and their work environment.
This paper investigates the relationship between some dimensions of organizational culture and satisfaction and behavioral intentions of front desk employees in 5 and 3 star hotels in Cairo in addition to studying the relationship between demographic variables of 5 and 3 star hotel samples and job satisfaction.
The main criterion for the selection of front desk employees is that they are in direct contact with guests all the time which brings them to physical and nervous tension and dissatisfaction so, hotels should adopt some culture that appeals to this segment of employees.
The main result was that valuing ethics, honesty, support for employees, fair compensation and employee development including promotion from within are the most critical dimensions of hotel culture that influence employees behavior. To enhance the results of this paper, hotel managers should compensate their employees fairly and develop training programs. Recruitment and selection process should be based on hotel culture and values to potentially increase job satisfaction and intention to stay in job.
