The intellectual capital in the Egyptian hotel industry has been enhanced in the recent years. What is to a great degree attractive and vital since that day the Egyptian hotel industry is confronting expanded rivalry in the business. The paper exhibits an observational investigation of the improvement of intellectual capital in the hotel industry in Egypt and its relation to the decision making. The results showed the advancement of intellectual capital and uncover a few issues that the Egyptian hotel industry is as yet confronting in the field of intellectual capital. All the more precisely, employee competence, employee innovativeness, business processes, information technology and distribution channels were further elaborated in the given time of time. This paper investigates the importance and attention to IC in ten hotels in the Greater Cairo. A survey was utilized to pick up an inside and out understanding of the constructs identifying with IC inside indigenous Greater Cairo lodgings. The information gathering techniques utilized were recorded. The content examination was utilized as the significant method for dissecting the information utilizing SPSS program. The real finding is that there is no formal distinguishment of the construct of IC, yet the inserted practices inside the associations recommended the availability of such. The results of the research based on a limited survey that has been distributed to 10 hotels in, Great Cairo, Egypt. The research was targeting 150 managers. It is recognized that further research is necessary to establish the exact nature of the causal linkages between proposed applications of Intellectual Capital techniques on hotels to enhance managerial decision of the Egyptian Hotels in order to gain insights into practice elsewhere.
Tawfik, Y. (2015). Intellectual Capital (IC) as a Tool for Enhancing Managerial Decision in Egyptian Hotels. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 12(2), 201-213. doi: 10.21608/jaauth.2015.67449
Yasser Tawfik. "Intellectual Capital (IC) as a Tool for Enhancing Managerial Decision in Egyptian Hotels", Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 12, 2, 2015, 201-213. doi: 10.21608/jaauth.2015.67449
Tawfik, Y. (2015). 'Intellectual Capital (IC) as a Tool for Enhancing Managerial Decision in Egyptian Hotels', Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 12(2), pp. 201-213. doi: 10.21608/jaauth.2015.67449
Tawfik, Y. Intellectual Capital (IC) as a Tool for Enhancing Managerial Decision in Egyptian Hotels. Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 2015; 12(2): 201-213. doi: 10.21608/jaauth.2015.67449