Impact of Nile cruise ships on the Environment

Document Type : Original Article


Hotel Management Department - The Egyptian Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotels


Although many hotels appear interesting in the natural environment to attract guests, a survey of Nile floating  hoteliers finds that environmental stewardship has taken a backseat to other operational concerns in many cases. In addition, a survey  was  chosen  to  obtain  the  information  on  attitudes,  awareness  and  practices of Nile cruise ships. Nevertheless, the surveyed hoteliers recognized that the floating hotel industry would do well to be more environmentally conscious. The respondents noted that few Nile cruise guests demand that hotels maintain environmental programs. The associations amongst attitudes, awareness and environmental practices for waste, energy, and the environment were investigated by calculating correlation coefficient. These analyses revealed that there is no significant association between attitudes and awareness or practices, while, medium between environmental awareness and environmental management practices. Attitudes appear to be remaining positive even where awareness is limited.
