Studying some factors related to food choice and eating at fast food Restaurants Universities students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Alexandria University


This research was carried out to study some factors related to food choice and eating from fast-food restaurants among university students. Data were collected through a designed questionnaire gathered from a random sample of 284 Faculty of Tourism & Hotels students, Alexandria University, Egypt. The results indicated that about 64.8% of the sample suffers overweight or obesity, Also the results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between some independent variables as the students’ residence and gender and eating food at fast-food restaurants as a dependent variable. Also, Foul and Tamia restaurants preferred as number one (40.4%) and a significant positive correlation found between this type of restaurant and the independent variables: family income, mother education, father education, and gender. Food taste showed to be the most factor affecting restaurant choice. Also, the most important reason behind eating at fast-food restaurants during the study day was that students hadn't enough time to return back to eat at home.
