Punishments in Ottoman Society

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University


The aim of this research is to give a picture of different Punishments in Ottoman society specially in classic period, as Decapitation,Hanging,Striking, in different class of society, such as Citizen,Military,or people working at the palaces. Some of the punishments were issued from coranic laws other from "qānunamāt" elaborated by sultans and pachas at this time. Also the research talks about people in charge of execution such as  the ṣūbāšī , chief of Police and the janissaries. The research contains conclusions, such as some punishments disappears such as al-ḫāzuq, empalement. The sultan had the power to execute without referring to any law. Both Coranic laws and ‘Urf' were used to punish. Torture and Parade of the guilty were used in punishments. Punishement of military person is done through a private military tribunal.