Royal Family Scenes in the 18th dynasty Private Tombs at Thebes

Document Type : Original Article


South Valley University


The Study of ancient Egyptian tombs had long been an important source of information regarding many aspects of the Egyptian society. The walls of tombs made for the elite are often extensively decorated with scenes rendered in paint or in colored relief sculpture. While numerous researches have focused on the King’s scenes inscribed on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples, none of them focused on the royal family scenes in the private tombs. Hence, the current research focuses on the depiction of the royal family scenes in the Theban private tombs in the New Kingdom (Qurnet Murai, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, and Dra Abu el-Naga). This paper aims to introduce some new royal family scenes from unpublished tombs at Thebes and to know new remarks about the reasons of depicting the royal scenes in the private tombs at Thebes.
