The madrasa of al- Amīr Metqāl (Al- madrasa al- Sābiqiyya) (763-774 H / 1361-1373 A.D) Archaeological and historical study"

Document Type : Original Article


1 کلية السياحة والفنادق – جامعة قناة السويس

2 Tourist guidance department, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Suez Canal University


The founder is al- Amīr Sābiq al- Dīn Methqāl Al Anūkī, the son of  ̒Abdullah al- Ḥabašī, known as Sābiq al- Dīn, also named al- Ṭawāšī, he was one of the habashi nobels. He was the servant of Tithkar Bāy Khātūn, the daughter of al- Ẓāhir Baybars .
He established the madrasa in Darb Qurmuz, in the district of Bayn al-Qaṣrayn, on a square piece of land inside the Fatimid Eastern palace. He made there a library and Kuttāb for children and al- Shāfiʿī doctrine was taught in the school as per his decision. This madrasa played an important role in spreading the Shāfi ̒ī doctrine during the Bahari Mamluks era, especially with the urge to spread the four sunnī doctrines in Egypt and for the fulfilment of prayer and education at a time.                                                                      
This research includes a descriptive and an analytical study of the architectural elements of the madrasa, it is composed of three floors; an underground floor, including a basement, a ground floor composed of ṣaḥn and four īwāns, and annexes at the upper floor.
Also, the research tackles the touristic study of darb Qurmuz where the madrasa is located, and it comes out with recommendations and suggestions for the touristic development of the monument. 
with recommendations and suggestions for the touristic development of the monument.