دراسة لقياس مدى ملاءمة الخدمات التي تقدم في دور المسنين وذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة منهم

Document Type : Original Article


المعهد العالى للسياحة والفنادق– کينج مريوط – الإسکندرية


The rapid decline in mortality rate particulary in the latter half of Twenteith Century leads to changes in age structre of the population, causing fast demographic
Transition. With these changes the number of elderly increased as a natural result of efforts to reduce the spread out of diseases among elderly and providing health care to them.
Econoomically, elders represent a heavy burden on the community as they are in capable of prdudction but need special care from their families, and the government respenisble to provide them with health care and social security.
Therefore, the study of elderly charactersties has a great importane in identifying their problems and designing the plans to provide their needs of care and social services.
This study was aimed to investigate the availability of appropriate equipments in elderly houses in Most Gavernorates
