Recent trends of technological technologies in virtual museums and their role in facing the economic crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Tourism Studies Department- Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Suez Canal University.


Virtual museums have gained great importance in the tourism sector, as they play an important role in attracting tourists, especially with the development of technological means, the wide spread of virtual museums, and the possibility of entering them from various countries of the world without being adhere to the limits of place and time. Modern technological techniques are considered the basic factor on which virtual museums are based, and the more advanced these techniques are, the more enjoyable and interactive the museum will be and thus succeed in attracting more tourists.

With the diversity of Egyptian museums and their richness in unique collections, it has become necessary to benefit from virtual museums to confront the economic crisis. In this context, the research examines the modern trends of technological techniques used in virtual museums, and their role in generating desire among tourists to visit Egyptian museums realistically.

The study aims to identify the role of virtual museums, reveal the services that the virtual museum provides to tourists, and determine the role of technology used in the virtual museum. To achieve these goals, the study used the descriptive analytical approach, The study sample was a random sample of 120 experts from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical analysis program SPSS v.26 to extract frequencies and arithmetic averages. The study showed that the technological techniques present in museums contribute to improving the virtual visit experience and contribute to increasing the economic benefit from virtual museums.


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