التسليح الثقيل الدروع و العجلات الحربية كوسائل ردع فى مصر القديمة

Document Type : Original Article


Suez Canal University / Faculty of Tourism & Hotel Management / Guidance Department


Abstract: -

This research discusses the most important means of deterrence in wars in ancient Egypt, which is weapons, and this research has been divided into several parts, which represent the types of weapons and materials used in its manufacture, and the development of armament in ancient Egypt throughout the ancient pharaonic dynasties, and the research will focus on heavy weapons used in wars in that period such as: -

War chariots, gears and armor

And these types of weapons are classified according to their use, gears and shields are defense weapons, and military vehicles are attack and engagement weapons

The research also shows the scenes depicted on the ancient Egyptian tombs and temples, which represent the King, officers and soldiers using weapons and the extent of their deterrent power and their prowess in using it against enemies, and the attack of the Egyptian army on the fortified castles of the enemies and control them, the research also depicts the views of weapons on the walls of temples and tombs

The research also explains the names and types of weapons in the ancient Egyptian language and the evolution of the names of weapons throughout the history of ancient Egypt.


Main Subjects