Protecting the Cultural Identity of Employees in the Tourism Field in Light of the Digital Age (Applied on Al-Balqa University Students)

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Balqa Applied University: Aqaba, Jordan Assistant Prof (Department of Hotel and Tourism Sciences)


The study aimed to explore the impact of the digital age on the cultural identity of students majoring in hotel and tourism sciences at Al-Balqa University, Jordan. With the rise of digital technologies, students now have access to vast information but struggle to sift through it and discern fact from fiction. The study used a descriptive approach and surveyed 109 hotel and tourism students. The results revealed challenges in communication with tourists due to language barriers, a tendency of tourism employees to adopt other cultures at the expense of their original identity, overcrowding of tourists in tourist areas, and the need for better support for tourists' religious practices. The study recommended providing language training for tourism workers, promoting the preservation of their original identity through media and digital marketing, and encouraging cultural tourism to maintain the identity of different places. Additionally, it suggested developing mobile applications that offer tourists information about the geography and cultural and historical identity of various tourist sites and religious places.
