The Impact of Ethical Intelligence in Reducing Organizational Conflict in Egyptian Tourism Companies

Document Type : Original Article



2 Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City

3 Tourism Studies Department - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - University of Sadat City


The importance of ethical intelligence has increased in various companies, due to the increase in conflicts and organizational problems, whether between management and employees or between employees each other, which affects the stability of the work environment negatively, as well as impeding achieving the company’s goals. This study aimed to measure the impact of the ethical intelligence of management with its three dimensions of integrity, responsibility, and empathy in reducing the level of organizational conflict in the category "A" tourism companies. The descriptive analytical method was followed to achieve the study aim. A questionnaire was designed for employees in category "A" tourism companies in Cairo to collect the study data represented in the level of ethical intelligence and organizational conflict in these companies. Out of 667 questionnaires that were distributed electronically to a random sample of employees, 544 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results showed that there is a significant and negative correlation between ethical intelligence and its three dimensions and organizational conflict. The results also highlighted the existence of a significant and negative impact of all dimensions of ethical intelligence in reducing organizational conflict in tourism companies.
