goddess Serket in ancient Egyptian religion

Document Type : Original Article


This research deals with one of the scorpion deities, goddess Serket .she is also known as Selket, Serqet, and Selkis.her name means " She Who Clears Out the Throat ''. Her standard representation was as a lady with a scorpion on her head. She appeared in other forms, as she appeared as a scorpion with human head, a lion headed goddess,a woman with a head of a scorpion , and as a complete serpent . Serket was one of the protective goddesses, who protected the throne of the king, and she protected the bark of god Re against his enemy Apophis, she was one of the four goddesses who protected the embalmed mummies. Indeed that She helped gods and kings to be born. She protected and cured people against bites of snakes. Her cult center was at qedem (near Buto). She was associated to goddess isis, Neith, Heded, and Qebehseneuf. The research studies her different forms by showing examples from her statues, and her scenes in different monuments. The research exposed her titles and epithets, function and roles, her cult center, and her relations to other deities.
