An Artistic-Archaeological Study for the Tombstones of Sultan Hussein Kamel Daughters in the Cemetery of Al-Imām Al-Šāfiʽī in Cairo " First Publishing "

Document Type : Original Article


Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University


This paper aims to shed light on the tombstones of Sultan Hussein's daughters through a descriptive-analytical study, and a field study as well. Meanwhile, the researcher aims to explore and publish the tombstones of Sultan Hussein's daughters for the first time. The tombstones include inscriptions and decorative elements that differ in their techniques of writing and their types of fonts. Moreover, the history of any monument is known by its tombstones or by its foundation slab. It worth mentioning that the Cemetery (Qarāfa) of Al-Imām Al-Šāfiʽī in Cairo is one of the largest cemeteries , which is bordered by the Al-Tūnisī cemetery on the southern side, al-Imām al-Laiyṯī cemetery from the southwestern side, from the eastern side al-Šaṭbī and ʽUmar Ibn al-Fāriḍ cemetery, from the western side ʽAīn Al-Ṣīrah hills, the Mamlūk cemetery from the northern side, and al-Saiyyda Nafīsah cemetery from the northwestern side. Al-Qarāfa of Al-Imām Al-Šāfiʽī contains large number of tombs that belongs to Muḥammad ʽAlī Pāšā, such as Ḥūwš al-Pāšā tomb - Maḥmmūd Ḥamdī Pāšā tomb - Yūsuf Kamāl al-Dīn tomb - Umm Muḥammad ʽAlī al-Ṣaġīr tomb. The two tombstones (also gravestone) are distinguished by their unique architecture, arts, and decorations, whose texts are engraved in Arabic, especially Nasḫī script. Therefore, these tombstones are important as they provide us with a lot of information and facts about the history of those personalities, besides providing information about some aspects of their lives.
