River Transport and its Impact on the Tourism Sector in Egypt During the Nineteenth Century

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University.

2 Faculty of Art, Damietta university


Transport occupies an important and dangerous place in the world’s economies and civilization, as it is a means of trade exchange between countries, it also helps in the transfer of sciences, arts, literature and various political systems. Indeed, it is the link that links the efforts of human groups to each other regardless of their different nationalities, languages, color or beliefs.The transport industries, although closely related to the various industries, are in fact an important group on their own. Each of the land, river, sea and air transport industries has its own advantages in the means and methods of transport. River transport was one of the most important means of transportation in the nineteenth century. During this period, river navigation companies in Egypt affected the urban development, so tourism companies and hotels appeared, which helped stimulate the movement of tourism. Hence the idea of research came. There is no doubt that the measure of any country’s progress is measured by what it enjoys. It has waterways, inland rivers, land roads and sea coasts.
