The Complex Genealogy of the Senbi – Wekhhotep Family of Meir

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Institute fur Tourism and Hotel Management- Luxor(EGOTH)


This article examines the background of the Senbi - Wekhhotep family, governors of El-Qusiya in the Twelfth Dynasty and owners of tombs Nos. B1-B4 and C1 at Meir. The prevailing hypothesis is that following Senbi 1 and Wekhhotep I, Senbi II died prematurely and his full sister Mersi, who was buried in her brother’s tomb B3, married a noble named Wekhhotep, son of Iam/Ima (tomb A3), and their son, Wekhhotep II (tomb B4) became the governor of El-Qusiya, establishing a new line of rulers of the province under Amenemhat II. The large distance between tombs A3 and B4 would argue against the identification of Wekhhotep II with the son of the owner of tomb A3. The analysis of the honours held by both Wekhhotep I and Wekhhotep II and their wives, the likelihood of multiple marriages and of marriages of close relatives or even brother-sister marriages have been examined. The analysis of the data found in the Middle Kingdom tombs at Meir suggests that members of the ruling family of El-Qusiya had royal ancestry, were polygamists and practised consanguineous marriages. Senbi I of tomb B1 was succeeded by his son Wekhhotep I (tomb B2), who was successively followed by three sons, by three different wives, Senbi II (tomb B3), Wekhhotep II (tomb B4) and Wekhhotep III (tomb C1). The last of the brothers came to power at a relatively old age as he appears in some scenes and statues.
